Modified Squared Exponential Kernel and Basis Expansion

Zikai Lin · September 30, 2022

Squared Exponential Kernel

Squared Exponential Kernel, A.K.A, the Radial Basis Function kernel, the Gaussian kernel. It has the form: \(k(x,x') = \sigma^2 \dfrac{\|x-x'\|}{2\rho^2}\) It also has only two parameters:

  • The lengthscale, i.e. (\rho) controls the smoothness of your kernel.

  • The output variance (\sigma^2) determines the ‘magnitude’ of your covariance function. It is like a scale factor.

Modified Squared Exponential Kernel

We consider modified form of squared-exponential covariance kernel, defined as:

\[\kappa(x, x') = \exp\{-a(\|x\| + \|x'\|^2) - b \|x - x'\|^2\},\quad \text{for }a>0, \quad b> 0,\]

where \(\|\cdot\|\) is the \(L_2\)-norm. Notice that \(\kappa(x, x')\) reduces to standard SE kernel when \(a = 0\). Here \(a\) is the decay parameter controls the decay rate of \(\mathrm{Var}\)

\(\mathrm{Var}\{f_j(\cdot)\}\) compared to \(\mathrm{Var}\{f_j(0)\}\). The parameter $b$ is the smoothing parameter of modified SE kernel, smaller value of (b) corresponds to a smoother GP \(f_j(\cdot)\). An important property of modified SE kernel is that it has a closed form eigen decomposition using Hermite polynomials. A \(k\)-th order normalized Hermite polynomials is defined as follow:

\[H_k(x) = (2^k k!\sqrt{x})^{1/2}(-1)^k\exp (x^2)\dfrac{d^k}{dx^k}\exp(-x^2),\]

Mercer’s Theorem states that a positive-definite kernel \(k(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{x}')\) in a finite measure space can be decomposed as

\[k(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{x}') = \sum_{i=1}^\infty\lambda_i\phi_{i}(\mathbf{x})\phi_{i}'(\mathbf{x}'),\] \[k(x,x^{'})=\sigma^2\sum^{\infty}_{l=1}\lambda_l\Psi_l(x)\Psi_l(x^{'}) ,\]

where \(\{\lambda_l\}^{\infty}_{l=1}\) are eigen values with \(\lambda_l\geq\lambda_{l+1}>0\) for \(l\geq1\) and \(\{\phi_l(x)\}^{\infty}_{l=1}\) are orthonormal eigen functions that satisfy the following properties: \(\int\Psi_l(x)\Psi_l(x^{'})dx=1\) when \(l=l^{'}\) and \(\int\Psi_l(x)\Psi_l(x^{'})dx=0\) otherwise. The GP \(f_j(\cdot)\) can then be represented as

\[f(x)=\sum^{\infty}_{l=1}\theta_lb_l(x), \quad \theta_l \overset{i.i.d}{\sim} \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma_l^2), \quad \text{for }l = 1,\ldots, \infty\]

where \(b_l(x)=\sqrt{\lambda_l}\phi_l(x)\) is the basis function. In practice, we approximate $f_j(\cdot)$ by a truncated eigen-decomposition using \(L\) basis functions, where \(L\) is determined by the maximum polynomial degrees, says $h$, i.e. \(L = \binom{h+d}{d}\) for \(d\)-dimensional data.

Fast Basis Function Expansion based on Eigen Decomposition

In R, there’s a nice package called BayesGPfit (Kang) that you can use to do the basis expansion for modified squared-exponential kernel.

Here’s an example, consider using basis functions to approximate a modified squared exponential kernel with \(a =0.01\) and \(b = 1\):



Jian Kang (2022). BayesGPfit: Fast Bayesian Gaussian Process Regression Fitting. R package version 1.1.0.

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