R-Blog: Accessing list object in Rcpp

Zikai Lin · January 12, 2021

Accessing list object in Rcpp using RcppArmadillo.

Create a list object in Rcpp

In Rcpp, you can create a list of object by using List::create() function. The name of element can be created using either Rcpp::Named() or _[].

// Create list L from vector v1, v2
List L = List::create(v1, v2);

// When giving names to elements
List L = List::create(Named("name1") = v1 , _["name2"] = v2);

Accessing the elements in list

You can easily access the element in a list by either using indices or character name.

NumericVector v1 = L[0];
NumericVector v2 = L["V1"];

However, notice that the objects in list are stored in Rcpp::Vector form, therefore, if you are using RcppArmadillo, you need to convert it to arma::mat :

arma::mat v1_mat = as<arma::mat>(L[0]);
arma::mat v2_mat = as<arma::mat>(L["V1"]);

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